Creation Stations

Our Makerspaces - “Kennedy Creation Stations”

Makerspaces are taking shape around the country in many schools. The demand for these opportunities for our students to explore and create is greater than ever before.

Kennedy Academy’s “Creation Stations”, established in the fall of 2017, has experienced an explosion of both materials and creativity provided through our SBCSC HA program as well as our Kennedy Academy families.

We are always expanding, looking for new ways we can tap into our students’ interests.

This year, we are embarking on an exciting adventure in our elementary Creation Stations – 3D printing!

It truly is about the mindset of the Makerspace that matters most.

While 3D printing may not be new to some, it is new to us and our elementary students.

At Kennedy Academy, how to do we implement 3D printing within our STEAM curriculum as well as provide opportunities to create within our school day?